In the article by Baird and Fisher, they bring up the notion that todays generation of school age people are "always on" refering to always being connected to what is on the internet. I would have to agree with this statement. I am guilty of checking my email the minute it gets to me because it comes directly to my smart phone. When participating in an online schooling experience, it is hard to not be connected when we have comuters, tablets, and smart phones all around us. While I think this practice can be useful and helpful, I don't think that we as a society should be so connected to our
11/4/2012 12:05:25 am

Sometimes I yeran for the old days when it was so much easier to unplug. When you went home at night NOBODY BOTHERD YOU. Now I do not mind when it is an emergency, but to some people everything is an emergencey. I will use one of my favorite quotes "poor planning on your part does not constitue an emergency on my part"


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